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The blue hours

The Cultural house Hof during the twilight time.

Scenic hikes

After just about an hours hike one can be awarded with a great view of the fjord and Akureyri.

Back to School 2020

This week it is school start in Iceland for all children aged 6 to 16, including all 8 schools in Akureyri Municipality

Biking festival

The annual biking festival begins today and ends on Sunday with various races and events.

New bridge across the river

From the opening of a new bridge inaugurated in the beginning of July. This bridge is a part of an outdoor recreational area of the delta of the river Eyjafjarðará which is the main river in the valley of Eyjafjörður some 5 minutes’ drive outside town’s centre.

The church steps

We do much appreciate the work of our gardening-team which is working hard in tidying and planting flowers around in town.