Akureyri International Airport is one of four international airports in Iceland and the only one located in North Iceland. It is open all year round. There are several daily flights to Reykjavík, and also domestic flights to other destinations such as Vopnafjörður, Þórshöfn and Grímsey island. As well as scheduled flights to other destinations such as Greenland, Copenhagen in Denemark, London in the UK and Tenerife.
Opening hours:
Regular opening hours 07:00 to 23:00 daily, all year.
Exceptions: 24th and 25th December open 07.00 to 16.00 both days. Closed: New Year’s Day (1.st January), Easter day and Christmas Day (25th December).
Extended opening hours are offered in connection with charter flights, all year.
How to get there:
Distance between airport and Akureyri city center is approx. 3 km (Approx 30 min walk or 5 min drive).
* Taxis are usually located at the airport, but can also be ordered at: Phone (+354) 461 1010, Email: bsoafgreidsla@gmail.com. For info about their services
* For those walking, there is a nice walking path along the coastline between the airport and the town center (Hafnarstræti), also an option to use the path along the old town and below the theater.
* Airport Bus connects the town and the airport with a "pre-book" service - for more info look here. A map of the driving route here.
Services at the airport:
- Four car rentals are located at the airport; Hertz, Avis, Europcar and Thrifty.
- A bistro is located in the terminal offering food, snacks and drinks.
- Icelandair takes care of ground handling at the airport such as check-in, luggage ect.
- Duty Free shopping for international travellers.
- Information regarding arrivals and departures
- Parking by the terminal is free according to timelimits at each area. (NB! There are plans to start charging for parking in 2024)
Several airlines are operating at the airport:
- Icelandair: Schedule flights between Akureyri and Reykjavík
- Norlandair: Schedule flights between Akureyri and; Grímsey, Vopnafjörður and Þórshöfn á Langanesi, as well as flights to Greenland.
- Circle Air: Offers sightseeingflights in the area
- Myflug Air: Operates ambulance flights which are available 24 hours a day as well as sightseeing flights.
- Easyjet (to the UK), VoigtTravel (to Holland) and Edelweiss/Kontiki Travel (to Swiss)
For more information see here
Icelandair: Áætlunarflug milli Akureyrar og Reykjavíkur.
Travel agencies in the area offer direct flights from Akureyri to various destinations with both scheduled and charter flights such as Verdi Travel, Úrval Útsýn, Heimsferðir, Nonni Travel, Trans-Atlantic, Tango Travel, Aventura, Kompaní ferðir and more.