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Eiðsvöllur park

Photo: María H. Tryggvadóttir
Photo: María H. Tryggvadóttir
Eiðsvöllur is one of the town’s green areas, open to the public. It is located close to the town's city hall.

During World War II, foreign soldiers had barracks on the field. After the war, there were plans to build on the site, but locals protested, advocating to preserve what they referred to as their open recreational area. Their efforts succeeded, and today, it remains one of the town's charming parks.

The first house in this area, built in 1858, was named "Gamli Lundur" (the black building in the first photo). Although the original house was torn down, a replica was constructed in 1984. It now serves as a church for the Seventh-day Adventists.