International Mother Language Day is held on February 21st and we will celebrate it for a whole week at the Municipal Library of Akureyri.
There will be an interactive exhibition in the foyer of the library from February 17th to February 22nd:
o Book swap market for books in foreign languages - you can leave books at the market and take any you like (you can also come with the books beforehand and leave with a member of staff at the reception)
o Take part - words in your mother language
o Our world
o The exhibition will include information on where to find books in foreign languages at the library and information about our collaboration with the Bókasafn móðurmáls (en. Mother Tongue Library).
On Saturday, February 15th, there will be a flag workshop at the library from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM and we plan to use the flags to decorate the lobby of the library.
On Thursday, February 20th at 4:30 PM there will be a story time in several languages - Icelandic, Spanish, Czech and German, followed by crafts.