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Quarter-Hour Concerts at the Akureyri Art Museum

Quarter-Hour Concerts at the Akureyri Art Museum

Pamela and Vilhjálmur perform new music on flute and trumpet!

Quarter-Hour Concerts at the Akureyri Art Museum
Saturday, March 8
3:00–3:15 PM & 4:00–4:15 PM

Pamela de Sensi and Vilhjálmur Ingi Sigurðarson premiere FIVE SHORT PIECES by Steingrímur Þórhallsson and also perform FACE TO FACE, composed for them by Edoardo Dinelli in 2024.

THE TWELVE-TONE QUARTER is for all curious ears—young, old, and everyone in between.

Pamela and Vilhjálmur are dedicated performers of new music, both together and individually. Vilhjálmur lives in Akureyri, teaches trumpet at the Akureyri Music School, and plays with the North Iceland Symphony Orchestra, among others. Pamela teaches flutes of all sizes at the Kópavogur Music School and is the founder of the WindWorks music festival in Reykjavík and North Iceland. They regularly perform new music from various genres together.

A great Saturday awaits at our Art Museum—don’t miss this brilliant duo!

Admission is free, access is easy, and everyone is warmly welcome!

Supported by SSNE Regional Development Plan, Akureyri Municipality, and the FÍH Cultural Fund. Thank you!

Saturday, March 8
Listasafnið á Akureyri, Kaupvangsstræti, Akureyri
Free entrance - all welcome !