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Concert Olga 10 year Anniversary Tour

Concert Olga 10 year Anniversary Tour

Olga Vocal Ensemble holds a concert in Akureyri Church and celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year.
Olga Vocal Ensemble held its first concert in Iceland in the summer of 2013 and has visited Iceland every year since then, with the exception of 2020. At the concert in Akureyri Church, Olga will celebrate her 10th anniversary and sing her favorite songs, from classical pieces to pop and jazz songs and everything in between. Many of the songs that will be performed at the concert have been released on albums, but Olga has released 5 albums since 2013 and in 2021 two were released, Aurora and Winter Light. At the concert, it will be possible to buy the albums available, as well as listen to them on Spotify to get ready for the concert. The group consists of Jonathan Ploeg, Matthew Lawrence Smith, Arjan Lienaerts, Pétur Oddbergur Heimisson and Philip Barkhudarov.

All welcome.

More information:
Date: 9 July
Timing: at 17 - Doors open 16.30
Location: Akureyri church
Admission: Free donations

Summer concerts in Akureyri Church are sponsored by the Akureyri Cultural Foundation.

The event is part of Art Summer 2023.

Sunday, July 9
Akureyrarkirkja, við Eyrarlandsveg, Akureyri