Mannfólkið breytist í slím 2025 - warm up no. I - Anime Defilement
The first warm up concert for Mannfólkið breytist í slím 2025!
MBS & Reykjavík Deathfest present:
Mannfólkið breytist í slím 2025 - warm up no. I - Anime Defilement
Performing artists:
20:00 Sót
20:30 Dream The Name
21:00 Anime Torment
22:00 Devine Defilement
MBS and Reykjavík Deathfest cordially invite you to this historical event in Deiglan! The Czech death metal band Anime Torment visits Akureyri along with the frantic slam crew of Devine Defilement!
From the local scene come the bands Sót and Dream The Name! Both have been prominent in Akureyri's underground circles in recent years, earning well-deserved attention for their bold stage presence, innovative songwriting, and skilled musicianship!
According to reliable sources, this is the first time a foreign death metal band will perform on stage in Akureyri!
Tickets sold at the door!
ISK 2.500
The slime prevails!
Mannfólkið breytist í slím main event:
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Collaborators and sponsors of MBS 2025 are: Akureyrarbær, Samtök sveitarfélaga og atvinnuþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra - SSNE, KEA, Tónlistarsjóður, Norðurorka, Segull 67, HS Kerfi, Akureyri Backpackers & Rás 2.