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Exhibition: A fulfillment of the heart's desires

Exhibition: A fulfillment of the heart's desires

An art exhibition of 43 members of the Visual Art Association, May 4th – August 23rd 2024 at Hof Cultural House.

An art exhibition of 43 members of the Visual Art Association, May 4th – August 23rd 2024 at Hof Cultural House.

In the vibrant artistic landscape of Akureyri and its surrounding area, there is a diverse collective of visual artists, reflecting the burgeoning growth within the field of visual art. Visual art, with its distinct and unique form of expression, resonates through countless interpretations and offers a canvas for expressing diverse perspectives, opinions and emotions. Above all, it envelopes the viewer in a visual journey that nourishes, sustains, and enriches the human spirit, and serves as a fulfillment for all. A fulfillment of the heart’s desires.

This exhibition portrays art by forty-three different artists who give us an insight into their visual world.

Established in January 2008, the Visual Art Association stands as a member of the esteemed union of Icelandic Visual Artists. The Visual Art Association now has nearly 90 members in it, most of whom reside in Akureyri and in the North region of Iceland. The association serves as a dynamic hub for creative exchange and collaboration. While rooted in its local community, the association is open to all artists. The association has a diverse group of talented visual artists and is a testament to the flourishing landscape of visual arts in the country. The Visual Arts Association runs “Mjólkurbúðin" (e. "The Milk Store"), which serves as the official venue for the association’s activities. It is located at Akureyri’s vibrant Art Street. The association strives to offer progressive and diverse exhibitions there, featuring both Icelandic and international artists as well as showcasing the talents of its esteemed members.

Efnisskráin er hér

Hér má sjá nöfn listafólksins sem eiga verk á sýningunni // Here's a list of the names of the artists who have a piece at the exhibition:
Rósa Kristín Júlíusdóttir
Karl Guðmundsson
Rósa Njálsdóttir
Anna Gunnarsdóttir
Ragnheiður Björk Þórsdóttir
Karolína Baldvinsdóttir
Sara Sif
Jóna Bergdal
Elísabet Ásgrímsdóttir
Jónína Björg Helgadóttir
Ásta Bára Pétursdóttir
Guðbjörg Ringsted
Sigurður Mar
Lára Stefánsdóttir
Herdís Björk Þórðardóttir
Sveinbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir
Egill Logi Jónasson
Pia Rakel Sverrisdóttir
Aðalsteinn Þórsson
Erwin van der Werve
Gillian Pokalo
Ólafur Sveinsson
Borghildur Guðmundsdóttir
Kristinn G. Jóhannsson
Brynhildur Kristinsdóttir
Björg Eiríksdóttir
Sigrún Birna Sigtryggsdóttir
Thora Sólveig Bergsteinsdóttir
Ragney Guðbjartsdóttir
Jonna Jónborg Sigurðardóttir
Hrefna Harðardóttir
Jónína Mjöll Þormóðsdóttir
Karín M. Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Arna Guðný Valsdóttir
Brynja Harðardóttir Tveiten
Steinn Kristjánsson
Dagrún Matthíasdóttir
Joris Rademake
Guðrún Pálína Guðmundsdóttir
Gunnar Kr. Jónasson
Hallgrímur Ingólfsson
Freyja Reynisdóttir
May 4 - August 23
Hof, Strandgata, Akureyri