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Hólafjall in Eyjafjörður

Hólafjall in Eyjafjörður

The drive goes to Þormóðsstaðir in Sölvadalur, where the hike begins.

The drive goes to Þormóðsstaðir in Sölvadalur, where the hike begins. The route follows an old track up the hillside to the ridge of Hólafjall, offering excellent views over the settlements and Eyjafjörður. The same route is taken back to Þormóðsstaðir.

Distance: 8 km
Elevation gain: 580 m

Price: 2,200 / 3,900 ISK
Includes: Guided tour

Departure at 9:00 AM in private cars from FFA, Strandgata 23.
Carpooling is possible if desired.
Guide: Þuríður Helga Kristjánsdóttir

Payment is required at departure.

Saturday, August 30
Strandgata, Akureyri