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"The Mermaid and The Dragon

"The Mermaid and The Dragon

Youth Art Workshop: Imagination Unleashed – Watercolors, Mermaids, and Dragons

Bryndís Fjóla who is a völva and Gréta Berg who is an atrist, will lead the workshop for the young participants. 

Limited space is available in Deiglan, and we offer pre-registration, which is managed by Huldustígur ehf. huldustigur@huldustigur.is.

The goal of this workshop is to enrich the perception of young people in Akureyri,  across nationalities and languages—by exploring the intangible cultural heritage of mermaids, dragons, and other mythical beings seen in Icenand. At the same time, it aims to create new and expanded opportunities for artistic expression, allowing participants to translate their perceptions of the environment  with water and into color. 

The Workshop Experience:
Under the guidance of Gréta Berg and Bryndís Fjóla, participants will have the opportunity to create watercolor paintings inspired by stories and personal interpretations of mermaids and dragons. The water used in the workshop will be specially collected from the Dragon at Goðafoss and the Mermaids of Eyjafjörður, further deepening the connection between art and local folklore.

North Iceland is rich in stories of hidden people and elves, but there are fewer accounts of mermaids and dragons. This workshop seeks to change that, offering a unique opportunity to highlight these mythical beings and establish a new cultural narrative for the region. By doing so, it contributes to the creative industries, which play a vital role in strengthening community bonds, and enhancing collective imagination—elements that make societies more cohesive and resilient.

Saturday, April 12
Kaupvangsstræti 23
Free admission