The mountain Barðshyrna, also known as Barð, divides Fljót into two parts. The northern section is called Barð, while the southern part is known as Brekkufjall. The hike begins at the entrance to Brunnárdalur, following sheep trails into the valley. The route is not particularly steep at any point.
The summit offers breathtaking views, including Siglufjörður mountains, Fljótin, and Stífluvatn to the east. To the west and southwest, the view extends over Brunnárdalur, Flókadalur, and numerous surrounding peaks. The return follows the same path.
Distance: 8 km round trip
Elevation gain: 700 m
Price: ISK 3,700 / 5,400
Included: Guided leadership
Payment: Collected at departure.
Carpooling can be arranged if needed.
Guide: Steinunn Þórisdóttir