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Upside down in the art museum – Mindfulness with Þuríður Helga

Upside down in the art museum – Mindfulness with Þuríður Helga

Þuríður Helga Kristjánsdóttir, yoga and mindfulness teacher, invites children and their families to step out of the hustle and bustle of the day.

Participants will also have time to explore the museum in peace, take in the environment, observe their own feelings and reactions and connect with what is before their eyes through guided reflection and mindfulness. Mindfulness is a valuable skill that children and adults can use. It supports us in connecting with our environment with curiosity and attention – and enjoying the moment.

No participation fee, but registration is required at the email address: heida@listak.is.

The project is funded by the Akureyri Children's Cultural Fund.

Saturday, April 5
Listasafnið á Akureyri, Kaupvangsstræti, Akureyri