27 Jun Hiking can be done at all times Hiking in and around Akureyri is great especially during summer when one enjoys sunlight 24 hours.
07 Jun The ferry is back on schedule Visitors want to access the island's stunning natural landscapes, diverse birdlife, cultural heritage as well as the midnight sun.
23 May More visitors due to wind Storming weather has caused change in schedule by 4 cruisships currently visiting us
10 May Arctic Tern The first arctic terns of the season were spotted in Grímsey island, by the Arctic Circle, earlier this week.
21 Apr Happy Summer! Today is the First Day of Summer in Iceland which is a public holiday and an Icelandic flag day.
31 Mar Tourist Information opens 1st April The Tourist Information in Hof Cultural house has been opened again for the season 2023 (1st. April - 31st. October)
17 Mar Grímsey ferry for maintenance Passenger services will be handled by scheduled flights and number of departures increased from three to four per week.